Sport: Agility
Love this girlie!!! Deena would like to announce today at The Agility Club of New Hampshire’s trial under one of our favorite judges John Defilippi she earned her PACH!!! She is one very special girlie, and after an injury and subsequent medical procedure (Stem cells/PRP done by VOSM) I was unsure whether she’d get back to competition fitness. After six months off in 2018 followed by extensive rehab and continuing weekly fitness sessions at the Wizard of Paws she is running fast and happy! She’d still prefer they get rid of that stupid table though 🙂
Thanks to the ACNH and American K9 for the lovely PACH rosettes!
She adds her Preferred Agility Championship to her four MACHs, and she is now CH MACH4 PACH Black Alder Denali JH T2B4 MF MXG2 MXJP2 MXP3 MJP3 if I remembered everything!
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